For more than a century, Iowans have learned to expect compassionate, dignified and affordable service from the Smith Funeral Home. Myron O. Smith, the progenitor of the business, began his work as a young man in a furniture and undertaking store in Red Oak, Iowa.
Following World War I, his son, O. Dale Smith joined his father in the family business, and together they moved to Indianola, Iowa to operate a furniture and undertaking business. In 1925 they came to Grinnell over dirt roads and purchased the C.A. Mellott furniture and undertaking business located at 929 Broad Street, across the street from the Grinnell Post Office. In the spring of 1931, they purchased a home at 1103 Broad Street, now in the Grinnell Historic District, and built by the S.W. Belden family, to be used as a funeral home. Myron O. Smith died suddenly on September 5, 1931 and his son O. Dale Smith continued to manage the business. He acquired the Snyder Brothers Furniture and Undertaking business located in the Masonic Temple building in 1943. The Smith Furniture Store on Broad Street was closed in 1947, to concentrate their efforts at the Funeral Home.
Robert D. Smith, the grandson of Myron O. Smith, joined his father O. Dale in operating Smith Funeral Home. O. Eugene Smith, the second son of O. Dale Smith, joined his father and brother in 1957. Their father died on August 5, 1968, and Eugene left the business in 1969. Robert continued to operate the business and soon was joined by his sons, John R. Smith in 1974, and William D. Smith in 1982, the great-grandson's of Myron O. Smith, thus making four generations in the family business.
During this period the Smith family acquired the James-Schalinske Funeral Home at 1702 Sixth Avenue and the McAninch-Fremming Funeral Home of Victor. Robert D. Smith retired in 1991. Joel M. Smith, the great-great-grandson of M.O. Smith, and son of John R. Smith, joined his father and uncle in 2001, becoming the fifth generation of Smith's to care for those in need - a family serving families with distinction since 1907.